Puppy Proofing Your Home

Mini Bernedoodle Puppy
You’ve made your decision to adopt a Bernedoodle puppy and you’ve probably done some research on how to care for your new puppy. Your puppy will spend most of their time in your home so it’s important that you take precautions to make sure it’s a safe environment for them.

Puppies are like babies, they are always curious, and they are teething. Since puppies have a low vantage point and can see things that you can’t, it’s important that you get down on their level when puppy proofing your home.

Bernedoodle puppies are also extremely energetic and curious, so when puppy-proofing your home, you must be thorough. It’s amazing what one little puppy can get into. By puppy-proofing, you’re trying to keep the puppy safe and prevent him from getting access to anything dangerous to him.

Puppy-Proofing Indoors

If you can not be with your puppy, confine them to a safe area from which they can not escape. Never leave your puppy unsupervised.

Keep Your Puppy Off High Decks And Balconies from which they may fall.

Store Your Cleaning Supplies
These include soaps, chemicals, poisons, and antifreeze securely out of reach, ideally in high cabinets or safely secured behind doors with childproof latches. When using them, make sure that your puppy is kept out of the area, so he won’t be affected by the vapours given off by cleaning chemicals.

Avoid Feeding Your Puppy Food From The Table
While your Bernedoodle puppy may look adorable as they beg for food, many human foods are not good for , and even dangerous to them. Pay special attention to sugarless gum, chocolate, raisins, and other foods that are especially poisonous to dogs.

Make Sure To Put All Medications Away
It’s best to avoid keeping all medications, even over the counter meds , whether in pill bottles or dispensers, on low tables, bathroom counters, or night tables, where your puppy can easily get to them.

Hide Electrical Cords

Unplug electrical cords, move them out of reach, or string them through cord concealers. These are hazards that your puppy will be tempted to chew and if they do, they can suffer burns to the mouth or electrical shock.

Secure Trashcans

Your puppy will be attracted to the smells coming from your garbage can, the contents of which can upset their tummies or may even be poisonous.

Keep Toilet Lids Closed, so the puppy won’t drink out of the toilet or fall in.

Keep Your Doors And Windows Closed

Keep them closed at all times, so your puppy can’t escape or fall out. Remember to secure the cords that raise blinds, so the cord won’t get caught around your puppy’s neck.

Female Mini Bernedoodle Puppy
Put Away Small Items That Can Be Choking Hazards
Such small items can include jewelry, rubber bands, coins, sewing supplies, and paper clips, to prevent your puppy from choking on them. Similarly make sure that you keep all sharp objects out of your puppy’s reach. This includes knives, scissors, razors, and tools.

Move Poisonous Houseplants, So Your Puppy Can’t Eat Them
These are the most common household poisonous plants for dogs:

Castor bean or castor oil plant (Ricinus communis)
Dumbcane (Dieffenbachia)
Hemlock (Conium maculatum)
English Ivy, both leaves and berries (Hedera helix)
Mistletoe (Viscum album)
Oleander (Nerium oleander)
Thorn apple or jimsonweed (Datura stramonium)
Yew (Taxus)
Any mushroom you cannot identify as safe

Make Sure You Know Where Your Puppy Is before closing any doors or leaving the house.

Hal and Heidi

Puppy-Proofing Outdoors

You also need to take precautions when you take your puppy outside. Your yard is going to be your puppy’s playground (and bathroom), so it’s important that it’s also cleared of all potential hazards.

Fence Your Yard If Possible
It’s best to have a fence that is high enough to prevent the puppy from jumping over it, with no holes to crawl through or under.

Instal Fencing Around In-Ground Pools
Pools can be a big hazard for puppies. A fence surrounding the pool will prevent your puppy from accidentally falling in.

Designate A Special Puppy Area
Set aside a portion of the yard for the puppy to use as his bathroom or digging area.

Be Careful Of Excessive Heat
Be careful of exposing your puppy to excessive heat. Avoid keeping your puppy outside when it’s hot, and always have shade and cool water available.

Keep Your Lawn Trimmed And Brush Under Control
Ticks are more likely to hide in tall grasses and latch onto your puppy.

Remove Toxic Plants In Your Yard
You don’t want your puppy snacking on something toxic. See the list of toxic plants above.

Exercise Caution In Using Of Fertilizers, Pesticides and Insecticides
Keep your puppy away from the yard if it has recently been treated with fertilizers,
pesticides, or insecticides. Try to avoid using insecticides because the chemicals can be very harmful to your puppy.

Supervise Your Puppy
Never leave your Bernedoodle puppy outside alone. This is the time to play with them and train them, and to protect them from predators, heatstroke, and other hazards.

Always have important phone numbers like your vet and mine on hand!

***Joellen Curtis 519-452-7021 cell 519-615-5691***

Puppies are completely dependent on you for everything, and their safety should be your No. 1 priority.

Call us or email us if you have questions or for more information about our available puppies or about upcoming litters.


(519) 615-5691
